Course No: Act 412
Course Name: Statistical Method
Course Description:
Statistical Inference: Definition of statistic and parameters, random samples, Method of estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, Moment estimation. Properties of estimators: Unbiased-ness, Efficiency, Consistency. Interval estimation.
b) Test of Significance: z, t, Chi-square and F tests, Goodness of fit test. Use of transformations.
c) Simple Linear and non linear regression models: Errors and its properties, Multiple linear regression, Simple, Multiple, and partial correlation Coefficients and their tests of significance. Rank correlation coefficient. Correlation of time series, and categorical data.
d) Non Parametric: Sign test, Run test, Mann and Whitney, Wilcoxon one Sample and two Sample tests, Median tests
Course Review:
This course content inspects the methods of estimation, statistical inference, maximum likelihood estimation and moment estimation, also properties of estimators, tests of significance, use of transformations and simple linear and non-linear regression models.