Course No: Act 416
Course Name: Numerical Analysis
Course Description:
a) Numerical approximation of function: Collocation Polynomial, truncation error in numerical approximation. Finite difference calculus: difference operators, synthetic division. Interpolation: & Inverse interpolation: Aitkin’s technique; iterative & Inversion methods
b) Numerical differentiation: Truncation error, for equally &, unequally spaced argument. Method of undetermined coefficient, Higher derivatives of function.
c) Numerical Integration: Newton‘s Cotes closed and open formulae (Rectangular, Midpoint, Trapezoidal, Simpson's 1/3 and Simpson‘s 3/8 rule) and the expression of error in numerical integration.
d) Solution of linear and non-linear equations: Solution of differential equations.
Course Review:
This preparatory course initiates elementary concepts of numerical analysis. Covering topics like numerical approximation of functions, operators, finite difference calculus, interpolation and inverse interpolation (Aitken’s technique, Neville’s method, Lagrange formula), numerical differentiation and integration, and also giving a thorough look on Rectangular, Midpoint, Trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/3 and Simpson’s 3/8 rule, solutions of linear and non-linear equations as well as solution of differential equations.