Course No:           Act 418

Course Name:      Actuarial Demography - 2

Course Description:      

a) State of Population, Stable & stationary population models, Rates in stable population. Convergence of a population to stable form.

b) Population Growth, Theories of Population Growth, Malthusian and Post Malthusian theories, Demographic Transition, Population Estimates and Projections. Demographic Effects of Population Growth.

c) Distribution of Population, Internal and International migration. Consequences of World Population Growth.

d) Demographic profile of-Pakistan.

Course Review:

The course content gives a thorough look on stable and stationary populations, rates in stable population, convergence of population in stable form, population growth, demographic transition, population estimates and projections, distribution of population, demographic effects of population growth, internal and international migration, consequences of world population growth and the demographic profile of Pakistan.