Actuarial Science & Risk Management, Department of Statistics, University of Karachi
>  Admissions open for BS Actuarial Sciences & Risk Management, 2011. For more details click here.      >  The Wall Street Journal reports that actuaries landed at the top spot of a newly released study ranking the 200 best and worst jobs in the U.S. (Jan. 5, 2010). For more details click here.      >  Actuarial Sciences & Risk Management program of University of Karachi got VEE exemptions from SOA for more details click here.      >  Congratulations to Syed Habib ur Rehman, who has successfully transferred his credits to Queens College New York, for more details click here.
Grading System

This degree encompasses the following grading rules:

Numerical Grade Alphabetic Grade Grade Point
90+  A+ 4.0
85-89 A 4.0
80-84 A- 3.8
75-79  B+ 3.4
71-74 B 3.0
68-70 B- 2.8
64-67  C+ 2.4
61-63 C 2.0
57-60 C- 1.8
53-56  D+ 1.4
50-52 D 1.0
Less than 50 F (fails) 0

To qualify for a bachelor’s degree in Actuarial Science and Risk Management, a student has to attain at least 2.45 CGPR (Cumulative Grade Pont Ratio). In determining the course grade, 50 percent of the final grade is based on the semester work and remaining 50 percent on the semester final examination. The CGPR is calculated as follows:

Alphabetic Grade Grade Point Credit hours (Credit hours*
Grade Point)
Total Grade Point
A 4.0 3 3*4.0 12.0
A+ 4.0 3 3*4.0 12.0
B+ 3.4 3 3*3.4 10.2
B- 2.8 3 3*2.8 8.4
C+ 2.4 3 3*2.4 7.2
C 2.0 3 3*2.0 6.0
Total   18   55.8

Grade Point Ratio (GPR) = 55.8/18 = 3.1

Note: CGPR will be obtained by making of all GPR of 4 years (8 semesters) duration.